Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kevin Rudds Apology speech.

Kevin Rudd's apology speech made me see that the aboriginals went through a lot of  hardship when the white people came to their land They were killed and persecuted, they were ravished with disease and given weapons and alcohol. Kevin Rudds speech commented on the stolen generation and how the half caste children were taken from their parents and sent to missionary camps and made to assimilate into australian culture and eventually become white. He said sorry for the previous governments treatment of the matters of the stolen generation, he said sorry that they hadnt been apologised to earlier. He spoke about an 80 year old lady who had been taken from her family, and was only found by an aboriginal stockman who she stated she did not harbour any hatred against and who she forgave fully. 

Kevin rudds apology made afew promises that so far the government hasn't kept such as the housing in the northern territory and alice springs that he said they would be building.

he spoke about bridging the life expectancy gap and the rate of crime in aboriginal communities.

In my opinion his appology was heartfelt but his promises may have been on the lighter side and not really likely to happen.